Wednesday, December 04, 2019

What other world leaders have to put up with...

Look, honestly: if Macron and Merkel took Trump to a side room, and he was later found to have "fallen" out of its fifth floor window, the rest of the European leaders would say "Who pushed him?  More to the point, who cares?"  


GMB said...

Why single Trump out? He's better than the average. All of them are so useless and malevolent. The Canadian one is the bastard son of Castro. Which just goes to show how horribly the oligarchy mocks us and laughs at us. Going on the Castro example, and extrapolating on known oligarchical sense of humour, its been speculated that Merkel is Hitler's little girl. Thats not a 100% known fact like the Castro thing. But its a reasonable speculation. Being as the Hitler bunker story was made whole from MI6 cloth by agent Roper. There was never any truth to this story. So Hitler could well have sired a daughter well after the end of the war.

I don't know where this anti-Trump thing is coming from. He's actually not so bad. Compared to all Presidents since the Carter-Reagan interregnum he stands out rather well. Except when it comes to pretending to end wars and drone attacks, but this foreign policy drift appears to be somewhat out of his hands.

GMB said...

Here is some of the speculation of Merkel. Who has continued with her fathers project of ruining Germany. This time with weaponised immigration. Hitler himself is thought to have come out of the bastard wing of the Rothschild family. Just as Clinton seems to be bastard Rockefeller. Bastard oligarchy appears to have a big role to play in history stage-management.