Friday, January 31, 2020

Not sure who to blame for this one

I like to attack traditional Chinese (or Asian) medicine ideas that lead to endangered animals being killed or mistreated for their imaginary health benefits; but I have another Eastern mystical idea that deserves rubbishing - that men holding back from ejaculation during sex is fantastic for their health.  (Not sure whether to blame the Chinese or Indians though - it appears to be endorsed both in yoga and in Taoist ideas.  It also appears to have had the famous Zen Buddhist Alan Watts on side.)

I'm talking about this because of this article at AEON, which takes a somewhat cynical, but still  open minded, attitude to the topic.

I just think it's very silly.   Oooh - semen is magic and holding onto it makes dudes live almost forever.   I mean, really.   Sure, if some couples want to have stationary sex and if it makes them feel good, go right ahead, don't let me stop you.   But this mystical overlay...

Besides, given the nature of the prostate and studies about ejaculation and prostate problems, it's hard to believe that it is healthier than normal sex.  

Here's an amusing part of the article, where the author describes a conference in Thailand he went to (with his wife) in 2015:
To be frank, my first impression of the Tao Garden’s conference was that it could have made a delicious subject for another Huxley satire, à la Brave New World. The clinic offered every kind of New Age therapy imaginable, including blood irradiation with strange blue light, Ayurvedic massage, colonic irrigation, full-body cupping, and a very painful treatment where so-called granules in the blood vessels of your anal canal and testicles are squeezed flat by muscular Thai grandmothers. The ecstatic screams of Tantra’s female acolytes were so loud at night that nearby condo owners threatened to call the police. My wife sensibly spent most of her time sunning herself by the swimming pool, sipping pineapple drinks, and watching the well-muscled tantrikas do laps in their G-string briefs, while I attended lectures and demonstrations in such subjects as ‘Preserving the Yang Element’, ‘Nine Sexual Secrets’ and ‘Awakening the Goddess’.  

The next section gets explicit:
The highpoint of the conference was a public demonstration of ejaculation control training for which a young man among Muir’s followers had volunteered. (At lunch that day, the same young man had told my wife and me that he was torn between dedicating himself to Tantra and becoming a dentist as his parents fervently wished.) The demonstration took place in a large room whose only furnishings were floor mats. As the young man disrobed and lay down, Leah Alchin Piper, Muir’s former lover and now business partner, opened her shirt and began ....
 Interested readers can go to the article to finish reading the description.  :)  It does have its amusing aspects.


Not Trampis said...

I will wait for Bolt's opinion. This is a natural for him

GMB said...

"The clinic offered every kind of New Age therapy imaginable, including blood irradiation with strange blue light, Ayurvedic massage, colonic irrigation, full-body cupping, and a very painful treatment where so-called granules in the blood vessels of your anal canal and testicles are squeezed flat by muscular Thai grandmothers."

As interesting as the muscular thai grannies might appear to some oddballs, the one useful tool here is probably the cupping. On its own its no real strategy. But a person skilled in both massage and acupuncture uses the cups technique as just one part of a suite of measures to see to it that blood, oxygen, electrical energy and/or Chi .... is flowing properly through-out the body. These strategies taken as a whole are fully in keeping with the paradigms in books like "The Body Electric" and "Healing Is Voltage."

Its these guys within Chinese medicine that are the goto people to fix problems that no-one else can fix. I used to have to use them just to be able to show up at work sometimes. Because I found earthing sheets. Since the earthing sheet gives you the electrical energy to heal, it means you have to show up at the Chinese place very infrequently. My joints are fantastic now. Better than they were when I was 18. Science is important here. What is described seems like a hodge podge of disconnected techniques, within an overall framework of oriental mysticism. But this body electric stuff. Thats the real science right there. And for practical purposes only the Chinese have the expertise to apply it via their massage and acupuncture learning.

I have to mention that the electrical acupuncture is just the icing on the cake. Its just a small part of what needs to be done. But like I said, I barely need it now, thanks to the earthing sheets. That goodness I got these before I was sacked. If you don't have them I'd swim in the ocean as often as possible.

GMB said...

BEFORE I found earthing sheets. I'm assuming that the cups are where the Chinaman uses candles to create a vacuum in the cups. He places them at strategic electrical nodes over your body and it sucks up your skin, leaving a series of bruises. This is only done after a couple of massage sessions where the knots and pressure points in your muscles are gotten rid of.

These kind of efforts to leave unrestricted blood (lymph system, oxygen, electrical energy, "chi") flow has my full endorsement. I think its good science. But only in the hands of serious experts. But get two earthing sheets first.

Steve said...

It was my understanding that acupuncture is established as effective for some conditions. It's the only alternative medicine I would consider, if I suffered one of the conditions it seemed most effective for.

Jason Soon said...

I just have a regular massages and the best masseuse I have found walks on my back for part of the session

Mayan said...

Oh, you should see some of the craziness highlighted by

Semen retention advocates, the no fap movement, misogynists, incels, TERFs, anti semites, and sundry alt-reich types tend to clump together.

Steve said...

Had never heard of WeHuntedTheMammoth...just had a quick look.

If the guy ever runs out of material to mock, he just needs to visit Catallaxy.

Steve said...

Incidentally, I have never spent time looking at what type of person is on the "no fap" threads at Reddit. I basically never understood the motivation for this as something people would want to talk about - although, I suppose, if it was a case of young guys recognising that too much of it is actually harming their social/sex life, I suppose that would be fair enough.

GMB said...

The no fap November thing comes from the idea that this massive access to free porn doesn't seem to have much of a business model attached to it so that for historical reasons they see it as a form of control.

They see sexual liberation as the opposite of liberation. As a method for instituting slavery. So for example when the Israelis pulled one of their attacks on the Palestinians one time they took control of all the TV stations and played porn around the clock. They also set up snipers and murdered anyone who went outside so eager were they to force the Palestinians to watch porn. Now we are not saying that the Israelis were trying to liberate the Palestinians right? Who are no more Arabs than I am a Norman. But they aren't the least bit interested in liberating anyone. Least of all a people who they kill for fun and have demonised with even greater remorselessness than they did for the Germans.

So the no fappers see all this free porn as a way of calming down the public so they don't notice people stealing from them. So they become isolated, apathetic, and incapable of unified political action.

So under this theory presumably the people at Catallaxy just spend all their time fapping and never notice that the banking cartel is effectively sucking out all their bodily juices and producing a hollowed out, first past the post, monopolistic economy with a permanently weak labour market. I've been beating the drum about bad money and banking ruining everyone future and paternity for about 14 years now. But under this theory Catallaxy cannot see it or do not care because they are wanking maybe four or five times a day to free porn.

GMB said...

"It was my understanding that acupuncture is established as effective for some conditions. It's the only alternative medicine I would consider, if I suffered one of the conditions it seemed most effective for."

That sounds about right. I saw some old lady talking about this tantric sex business. She was saying that the sessions were so boring that all they wanted to do is get home and do the real thing.

GMB said...

Well lets hold on there. The only effective method related to that grab-bag of stuff you have detailed in this thread. No I have to back-peddle. After all I am advising a woman on her breast cancer and she is doing fantastically well. You could class the strategy we have sorted out as "alternative."

Its working a treat. I'm so proud of her. She didn't let the bad guys carve up her breast.