Friday, January 24, 2020

Nuclear, again

Ah, Jason:  another day, another re-tweet of a wrong, Right wing take:

I agree with this response, and think Gray's response is so weak:

I have to run and do something - I will come back later to update this.

Update:   Connolly claims this -

I want him to quantify "many".   I mean, there's him and Jason Soon - and who else?

Another Tweeter makes the point about the current subsidies nuclear is needing (go and read the thread):

I suppose that attack is a little unfair, if you read Connolly's endorsement of a carbon tax for nuclear as an admission that nuclear does need subsidies.   But then, it does make his "I hate renewables because it needs subsidies" argument sound distinctly dubious. 

John Quiggin has been pushing this line recently - OK, conservatives, let's not rule out nuclear as long as you will agree to a carbon tax to make it work economically.   And you are getting some people like Connolly saying "OK".

But - are they going to live with the consequence that, with a carbon tax working as a "subsidy" for any form of clean energy (I mean, wasn't this is how a carbon tax was meant to work, free market conservatives?), no one thinks that energy investment is going to head into nuclear anyway?

As many on the Left correctly perceive, resistance to renewables is not as objective and reasonable as conservatives like Connolly like to pretend.

And when he can start pointing to even a substantial minority of Coalition politicians who are  endorsing an "economy crushing" (as they have argued for more than a decade) carbon tax, I might take him more seriously.



Not Trampis said...

renewables in OZ are the cheapest form of electricity and their costs are still falling.

Subsidies are a second best solution to a price on carbon which if implemented would facilitate the transition to a non-carbon econmy.

The main reason is coal for example does not internalise all of its costs such as pollution and emissions.

It makes a level playing field.

GMB said...

Its backwards world every day with you stupid old men isn't it? You walk backwards out of the shower throwing dust over yourselves each morning.

GMB said...

The stupidity of you two is amazing. You reckon renewables are the cheapest, yet you demand subsidies. You think that CO2 is a problem, without evidence, and yet you hate nuclear.

Its just drooling idiocy with you old clowns. Its just whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop whoop like one of the three stooges.

GMB said...
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GMB said...

When you see a solar panel you ought to be thinking "energy sink" and "subsidy to a foreign adversarial power." You should be thinking about the burning of brown coal in China. When you see a massive three blade wind operation ... these horrible horrible eyesores, bird assassins, you should be thinking about all the coal that has to be burnt to get them there and all the diesel we are going to need to get rid of them after their short little lives. What a fucking waste. This is just the worst type of brain damage where you believe every last word of advertising propaganda. There is no subsidy known that won't set up an energy sink if maintained long enough. Like growing corn to make a petrol additive. Energy drain of the worst kind.

But on a permaculture farm where you have a series of dams. A small aesthetically pleasing wind device, like the ones James McCanney makes, can intermittently pump water from the lower dams to the highest swale. Since the higher dams will be surrounded with nitrogen fixing trees this will set up a process where you have a farm which doesn't consume hydrocarbons. Thats what you are after.

Yet these absolutely crude, stupid dumb-leftists, totally mentally insufficient to be let loose on policy measures, can only think in their one-step dumbass way, about renewables linking up with the grid. The anti-intellectualism is astounding. The stupidity is breath-taking.

GMB said...
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Not Trampis said...

oh the irony,
Put a price on carbon to attempt to make nukes economic BUT solar and wind rule because their costs are much lower and getting much lower and of course it is easier to build and also takes a hallva less time.

GMB said...

Its a stupid way to make nukes economic. Putting up royalties for exports is its own reward. But nuclear has to start off communist. There are too many variables and its too easily disrupted.

GMB said...

A free enterprise effort will have to race too quickly to overcome the usury. So until we get a good system going its got to be a slow, deliberate government commitment that just isn't interested in international or leftist disruption.