Monday, February 17, 2020

A simple question

With all the fuss about Huawei and the 5G network, is it possible for Western governments with concerns to just keep using 4G network and make all government related work use phones which are only 4G capable?  And recommend all businesses with security concerns, or just Joe Public, to do the same if they want to?

I mean, I've never really understood what the appeal of 5G is meant to be.  Isn't 4G plenty good enough for nearly all use these days?  5G capable phones are just becoming available (as is the network itself, which needs a heap more antennas across a city) but is there any real demand for 5G phones?

So why would it be such a big deal to keep using the 4G network and 4G only phones?

Probably there is a technical reason, but I would like to know....


Not Trampis said...

I notice Tyler Cowen saying 5G is over hyped

GMB said...

4G is fine. Optical fibres are great technology but we let bankers in the room when we were deciding how to do things and that was the basic screw-up right there. To assess 5G you have to be open to the fact that a war has been declared on the public.

Mayan said...

I keep seeing self-driving cars as a major reason for 5G. But, if those cars need so much data at such high speed and low latency, are they really self-driving?

And it's not an answer to crappy internet, whether it be the NBN here or other things elsewhere, because all those closely packed towers will have to be connected to fibre, which makes one wonder why not just fix the wired internet?

John said...

Have a look at the recent testing on 6G.

GMB said...

"I keep seeing self-driving cars as a major reason for 5G. But, if those cars need so much data at such high speed and low latency, are they really self-driving?"

Thats a bit of a giveaway isn't it? If its a self-driving car thats a pretty good targeted assassination scheme.