Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Misogynists upset with Coalition

Sinclair Davidson has an unsubtle view of politics in which he thinks the winning party should crush all Opposition under its heal and never concede to it on anything.   He was, for example, probably the only academic in the land who thought the asinine and highly partisan Bronwyn Bishop was a good Speaker in the House under the Abbott government:  a truly eye roll inducing attitude for an educated observer of Parliament at the time.

So, naturally, he is upset with this (somewhat surprisingly uniform, but pleasing) vote yesterday:
The Coalition government has supported Labor’s motion in the Senate to call for men’s rights activist Bettina Arndt to be stripped of her Order of Australia award over her comments on last week’s horrendous murder-suicide in Brisbane.

The successful motion puts more pressure on the Council for the Order of Australia to remove the AM Arndt received in the Australia Day honours.

The Senate motion was carried 55-2, with only One Nation’s Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts voting against it.

It said Arndt’s comments “are reckless and abhorrent”.

“The values that underpin Ms. Arndt’s views on this horrific family violence incident are not consistent with her retaining her Order of Australia,” it said.
And look at the misogynist commenters agreeing how "disgraceful" this vote was.

Seriously, a bunch of people who routinely speculate that the downfall of the West began with women getting the vote (I'd like to know how often they say this in front of their wives - those of them that have or still retain wives) should take a hard look at their own attitudes and realise why they are ignored by the politicians they vote for.

I bet Arndt is smarting over this, too.  If only she could be "driven too far" to drop out of public commentary and culture warring.


Not Trampis said...

even to heel.

This shows why we should not have ANY honours.

People usually get an honour for simply doing their job. you get paid to do that

Steve said...

Yeah, I don't disagree, Homer. There are so many positions in some categories to fill every year, its been ridiculous for a long, long time.

John said...

The Right are defending Arndt and ready to entertain notions of diminished guilt because the prick was driven too far. The Right screams outrage if the Left suggests that we might want to think that a terrorist was driven too far because he saw his children blown up as collateral damage, or his village destroyed from a stray bomb.

GMB said...

The thing about you Steve is you are not an intellectual, you are a goose-stepper. You hate all free speech. And the truth for you, is just a set of dictates coming from the oligarchy. You aren't fit for a democracy. You are an advocate of Leninist centralism.

Steve said...

Not giving Arndt an award does not affect her free speech. She can continue encouraging abusive men to think they're the real victims of "the system", and running whisper campaigns against their victims, as much as she wants; and all right thinking people can continue to be appalled.

John: People would not have a problem if the detective had simply said "In cases like this, the Coroner expects police to look at both the crime and the background to it, and we welcome any information from people who can provide such background information".


Some on the Left who advocated a "but we should be talking to Muslim terrorists and trying to understand their perspective" were due criticism for sounding as if they were looking for excuses and blame shifting too.

GMB said...

Your hatred for free speech is systematic. You were the same with the Rugby player. She already had the award. Punishing people for their speech is against free speech in the corporate era. Since the corporations have swallowed everything including the governments. You see that lunatic Beattie and thats the proof of it. You haven't got passed the outdated Ayn Rand view of free speech.

That was the first thing I had to take you to task about and you still haven't fucking absorbed it. The Ayn Rand view of free speech is obsolete and obviously so.