Monday, March 16, 2020

A useful recommendation

I read this on the weekend on Twitter, but here it is written up in The Guardian:  the Europeans think it is safer to take paracetamol if you think you may have caught Covid-19; rather than ibuprofen or aspirin. 


GMB said...

If you want something to make you feel better it must not be fever reducing. Something that reduces a fever can kill you.

Sinclair just kicked me off. I think he had three false positives in the third quarter of last year. But none recently that I know of. He recognizes the superior economics every time.

John said...


I wouldn't trust this idea. Far too early to know.

Steve said...

John, the way I see it, for most people, you would be taking one of the common painkillers mainly for headache. Most people get a similar level of relief from either of them, if taken at maximum dosage, I thought. So if there is suspicion that the ones with anti inflammatory effect may worsen the illness, why not just play it safe and stick with paracetamol?

Jason Soon said...

I never take any medicine that isn't specifically prescribed unless I'm at deaths door. Never taken painkillers Panadol etc. Fever is nature's cure

Steve said...

Jason, that young Hywood journalist in his piece on how the virus was affecting him (see a post below) said it was splitting headaches for 3 days, such that the doctors were keen to rule out a brain tumour. I think it likely that headaches and flu-y body aches are more the thing people might take a painkiller for, rather than lowering fever. (I tend to agree with you: if the temperature is not dangerously hight, no need to try to interfere with the fever.)

Steve said...

By the way, Jason, this part of the Guardian report must cause you to grind your teeth about pharmacists:

"French patients have been forced to consult pharmacies since mid-January if they want to buy popular painkillers, including ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin, to be reminded of the risks."

GMB said...

The surgeon generals aspirin recommendation was a big part of the death toll in the "Spanish Flu" Aspirin and Ibuprofen reduce fever so they are out. Absolutely verbotten. If panadol reduces fever its out too. So this is an important topic. You've got to find the right painkiller in advance of getting this lurgie. I'll report back when I find it. But the rest of you ought to be looking as well.

You cannot get strong enough D3 in Australia for these critters. You need to send for the strong stuff overseas and you need to do it now. I am at liberty to tell you this only because I already have my second stash on the way.

GMB said...

This is a genocidal recommendation. A search of Kim Willsher's stories imply that she's a spook pretending to be a journalist. And they didn't need to even put the words into the Frenchman's mouth. All they had to do is wait until someone said something really really stupid and then publicise it.

Chances of dying for all people who have breathing assistance is probably less than one percent. Chances of dying for an old bugger like you Steve, are well above this even with assistance. Without assistance your chances start getting pretty big and if you take paracetamol and you cannot get assistance you will probably die. Since the one thing you must not do is reduce your body temperature.

Everything the Guardian tells you is trying to get someone killed but this time its you. Its time to put all your tribal loyalties away and focus on finding painkillers that DON'T reduce your temperature. "I don't ask much and I don't ask often." as Tom Reagan said. But I expect you people to put in some level of research here.

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