Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Idiocracy, indeed

Update:    And by the way, on a more serious note, why did this bit of thwarted Right wing terrorism get so little attention last week:
A man suspected of plotting to blow up a Missouri hospital and was killed in a shootout with FBI agents was apparently frustrated with local government action to stop the spread of coronavirus, the FBI said Wednesday.

Timothy Wilson, 36, died Tuesday in Belton, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City, after members of the FBI’s joint terrorism task force attempted to arrest him. The FBI says Wilson was the subject of a “months-long domestic terrorism investigation."
Meanwhile, in Australia, Sinclair Davidson is doing another bit of comic book inspired "take down the government" wankerism by re-heading Catallaxy as follows:

[Update:  see comments for apparent clarification.] 

I don't know why any politician gives him the time of day.


GMB said...

"Timothy Wilson, 36, died Tuesday in Belton, Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City, after members of the FBI’s joint terrorism task force attempted to arrest him. The FBI says Wilson was the subject of a “months-long domestic terrorism investigation."

Sounds like a non-judicial execution of a dissident. There is no detail to justify condemning this fellow or suggesting he's right wing. Last night I was kicked off my own blog. Guess what the excuse was? They reckoned I was running illegal gambling from my blog. So full of shit. Haven't had any commercial activity at all on my blog but they close it down if Israel or China leans on them. Better than killing me and lying about me after my death I suppose.

Anonymous said...

V was a 1980s tv show about alien invasion of Earth. You are thinking about the 2005 movie V for Vendetta.

Steve said...

Oh, so you're not referencing a movie about (so I believe, I haven't seen it) an uprising about a totalitarian government, but a TV series about:

"technologically-advanced alien species which ostensibly comes in peace, but actually has sinister motives."

Smells like libertarian paranoia, either way.

GMB said...

Its not paranoia Steve. Turning us into caged animals may be necessary to stop this lurgie. I'm not second guessing the hard choices of the leadership. But if these powers are not abused here, they will surely be abused elsewhere. And in the end these powers will be abused here for sure. Unless we punish the creditors for these bioweapons. Until and unless we put the cost of the bioweapons onto the bankers, we will get one after another of these infections.

I can say this with total certainty and without recourse to supernatural gifts of second sight. You can agree with the politicians on this one and wish them well. That does not mean that the situation will not be abused. It will be abused. As surely as night follows day. Thats not paranoia thats the facts of life. You are getting a bit too old to believe in Leprachauns boy.