Sunday, March 29, 2020

Let's get trivial, in this time of great upheaval, caused not by rioting in the streets, but people being stuck in their bedrooms.  I never expected the almost-end-of-Western-hegemony* to be quite like this.  But back to the trivial:

*  I can't decide which of these is the better "toilet care" product:


I've tried both.  Just can't make up my mind....

*  Watched the well reviewed (actually, I think overly well reviewed) Chinese movie Shadow on Netflix last night.   It's one of the most arthouse-y Chinese myth-historical martial arts-ish movies I've ever seen (not that I have seen many).   On the upside, it does have lovely, eye catching directorial compositions shot in greyscale (except for skin and blood), an argument conducted by zither (honestly), and an arcane plot which seems very unclear at first but does become more comprehensible as it goes on.  A lot of money spent on costumes and (perhaps) the very silly weaponry which shows up unexpectedly in the climatic fight.   Overall, it kept my attention and I would say I enjoyed it for its Chinese peculiarities as well as its looks.

I suggested to my son (who was less impressed with the film than I was - but he watched to the end) that the fist and palm salute as executed in the film does look pretty cool, and I was hoping that he would acknowledge my requests to do some chore or other around the house in that manner, for the next few days at least.   He has not complied.    But it's good for our current situation, no?

Good to know [sarc] that Kimmy has got his priorities right:
SEOUL: North Korea fired what appeared to be two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast on Sunday (Mar 29), the fourthsuchlaunch this month
*  It's always hard to tell how much of Richard Ayoade's persona on TV is a kind of performance art, but I thought he was entertaining and somewhat charming in this recent chat show appearance.   (I've never heard of this Norwegian host before, but I see he has been around a long time):

By the way, the grey haired guy sitting in on that chat show is Boris Johnson's Dad - I haven't watched the clip of the interview with him yet, but it is on the Youtube channel as well.

*  I am exaggerating to amuse myself.  I hope.

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