Wednesday, March 04, 2020

The verdict is in...

Obviously, I was never likely to become a fan of Scott Morrison as Prime Minister, but as I have mentioned before, I have been willing to ignore him in the role for the most part.

But after seeing the 7.30 interview with him last night, I think I can safely predict that the historical verdict on him is already done and dusted - a waffly, smirking lightweight of a politician who got the top job  with no inspiring policy ideas on anything, who's obviously against enforcing any reasonable standard of accountability and openness in his government, and with a puzzling propensity to lie and stonewall even on relatively unimportant matters. 

I even have a suspicion he might not make it to the next election.  We'll see....


  1. As I have mentioned at my place quite clearly no-one believes him otherwise the supermarkets would be okay.

    He goes to Mr cranky when under pressure. I suspect the next election will be like Keating's second.

    Like Keating he does not know why he won and like Keating his trust was decimated just after the election.

  2. He's atrocious. Inviting his pastor to the White House shows an appalling lack of judgement. Like Keating he exudes arrogance. I agree with Not Trampis that Morrison does tend to lose his cool so I hope more journalists start going after him.
