Thursday, March 19, 2020

This needs to be posted at Catallaxy

I just want to see the frenzy of spittle spraying outrage this would cause there (although it's not as if they need any provocation, really, the dimwits):


GMB said...

Very good cartoon. And accurate ...... if and only if you define capitalism as state supported usury. No matter how much these people loot us, they STILL manage to keep getting to the verge of bankruptcy. The Reserve Bank bailout to the welfare queens is now utterly astonishing.

JC and feelthebern are these huge welfare queens at Catallaxy.

GMB said...

See this:

"Call me crazy, call me irresponsible. I closed my Aussie short earlier and just bought Dow futures for a trade."

Thats overhead. Thats a cost to the people that make and build things. For people who deal in reality. The only thing that makes these sort of jobs work is massive societal subsidies to usurious pass-times. The sort of subsidies the Reserve Bank are putting forward now will make your head spin.