Monday, April 27, 2020

Excess deaths noted

This is important:

And here is the link to the story:  
According to the FT analysis, overall deaths rose 60 per cent in Belgium, 51 per cent in Spain, 42 per cent in the Netherlands and 34 per cent in France during the pandemic compared with the same period in previous years. Some of these deaths may be the result of causes other than Covid-19, as people avoid hospitals for other ailments. But excess mortality has risen most steeply in places suffering the worst Covid-19 outbreaks, suggesting most of these deaths are directly related to the virus rather than simply side-effects of lockdowns.


Not Trampis said...

the herd immunity theory is simply eugenics nicely wrapped up in 'scientific' language. another way of saying it is kill off old people.

GMB said...

This is deeply unscientific. He ought to be agnostic as to what is causing the extra deaths. Social isolation could be causing it. He cannot tell. Poverty due to economic shutdowns could be a cause of death. Try science for once in your useless life.