Saturday, April 18, 2020

Flippancy as the marker of foolishness

Tim Blair has it in spades; so does James Morrow.  Andrew Bolt tends less to flippancy but more to bloviating outrage - it is truly corrupting to pay a person to have a strong opinion on everything for a living.   They are too "culture war" to call out dangerous, foolish and stupid statements by Trump because (surely this is their true sentiment) "of course he's an offensive idiot, but he's our offensive idiot; and isn't it funny how he upsets the libs!"

Latest example:

Yet here's Gray Connolly's take on the afternoon briefings by Trump which (according to polling) are in fact doing him no favours at all in terms of approval:


Not Trampis said...

Connolly is a fool. He should start writing for Catallaxy.

Not Trampis said...

Reflecting on this it could well be defending Trump's action is a perquisite if you are part of the right wing faction in NSW more so if you want a seat in parliament.

Dunno as all the people i knew in the libs are no longer members

GMB said...

Bolt would be close to perfect if he understood the level of deception out there. For example if he realised that terrorism was false flag terrorism. He's a solid Australian. Don't know why you would give him a hard time. I recognise there are good leftists. You ought to see that there are solid conservatives.