Thursday, April 02, 2020

In which I once again save everyone's time

Spotted at, well, you can guess where:

Come on, once again I can save everyone's time.

It will be 200 pages devoted to the urgent need for the Australian governments to:

a.  deregulate everything, as fast as possible;
b.  start using blockchain technologies, they're terrific;
c.  urgently reduce all government spending on things other than the temporary workforce support, with public broadcasting getting special mention;
d.  reduce taxes.

Done and dusted.


GMB said...

Ha ha ha ha ha. Tough ...... But fair.

Hell I don't know. He's not really THAT bad any more is he?

Not Trampis said...

and add not worth reading at all

GMB said...

"c. urgently reduce all government spending on things other than the temporary workforce support, with public broadcasting getting special mention;"

Are you sure about this one? I remember Sinclair being a total girly-man when it came to government spending. Sinclair if you are reading: Sissies advocate tax cuts. Real men talk about closing government departments and taking the seignorage back off the commercial banks. Get it together man. Stop being so gay.

John said...

Economists didn't predict the Great Depression, the Tech collapse, or the GFC. They can't even get the big things right and their policies have made some Western nations so dependent on the Communist Chinese that those nations dare not criticize China. The problem with economists is they love playing Captain Hindsight and their analysis treats economies as machines that require pulling this or that lever to make it function correctly.

They can go write their silly books which will be read by other economists who will write critiques while out in the real world the people who have run economies are confronted with a huge range of issues that economists typically ignore because those can't be incorporated into their facile, jejune models. Economists are worse than climate scientists because at least climate scientists keep trying to improve their models whereas economists think their basic assumptions are fine.

I wouldn't trust an economist to organise a housing loan. They are a useless profession and hopefully during this period will become one area regarded as labour surplus to requirements.

GMB said...

Amen. Still. I'd have to wonder if these boys working together might not come out with something worthwhile. Potts used to be quite good in the old days. One wonders if he isn't getting around with the wrong crowd.

The worst thing I found about economists is that they DON'T FUCKING LISTEN. Soon seems to be transcending this but not many others. But it when I say NOT LISTENING, I don't mean in some sort of passive grandmotherly way. I mean it was an aggressive and motivated non-listening.

A lot of the ideas that are now out there, from bullshit jobs, to energy economics, to banker welfarism .... I was putting the proto-types out there a long time ago. The normal economists tactics would be to support others in resisting any wider understanding.

These people are directly or indirectly public servants. We have to take the attitude that this is not good enough for Australians any more.