Friday, April 24, 2020

We live in extraordinary times

He also went on about sunlight and heat killing the virus quickly, which led to this (via Hotair):
The really funny part was when he circled back to it later and put Birx on the spot. What do you think, doctor? Think we can scrap the vaccine and hit this virus with a little internal heat and light instead?
I am half expecting Trump to endorse nudism, at least for women, as a protective measure.

Update:  there are going to be many funny tweets about this.  Here's one:


GMB said...

What are you dummies talking about now? Are you talking about ozone treatment? High-dose vitamin C with a little hydrogen peroxide mixed in? These are extremely powerful treatments if so. What sort of lunatics are you people?

GMB said...

It seems the dumb left follows the oligarchies wishes any chance they can get. Shooting down anything that works.

GMB said...

Here it is now and there is nothing wrong with what he is saying. As it turns out you can breathe in vapours loaded with some of these things and it will nock back the lung infection. Or you can get ozone, or small amounts of hydrogen peroxide with your vitamin C IV and thats a force multiplier. So you dumb leftists are always hosing down anything worthwhile.

GMB said...

Unbelievable. What the fuck is going on here with you people? You want a vaccine to hurt people and sterilise all the girls? Thats what it is right? You want the Bill Gates plan?

Not even one dollar should be spent on a vaccine. Thats the most ridiculous idea anyone ever had.

GMB said...

Here is who I take Steve to be over at Quiggins:

"akarog says:
APRIL 22, 2020 AT 9:11 AM

Those advocating a winding back or cessation of COVID regulations need to consider that don’t know the virology of COVID, the degree and proliferation of antibody resistance post infection, the mutability of the virus and the permanency of organ damage post infection.

There is a very real risk that given sufficient population of host bodies the virus could mutate into a more deadly type.

These unknowns pose a far greater threat to humanity than WMD, socialism and possibly nuclear war.

We do know that isolation restricts the ability of the virus to reproduce and that elimination by isolation is feasible."

I think Steve has the medical side of things right here. I think the very low death rates are hiding the real dangers of this bioweapon. Permanent organ damage and reinfection. Thats the danger of this lurgie. Not so much the first infection.

But I cannot abide Steve's lack of creativity on the economic side of things. We must keep taking the lurgie seriously and keep ramping up our war against it. But we have to take our economy seriously and start creating wealth. That requires policy development and not a new tide of red ink. It cannot be reduced to a bipolar choice.

GMB said...
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Steve said...


I see you have started giving very specific recommendations as to doses of vitamins, and other medication, to ward off COVID. I have no idea whether your recommendations are within safe ranges or not, but if it is all the same to you, I would rather not have my site used for publicising dubious self medication.

It is not as if this is your only outlet to the internet - use your own site to publicise your specific recommendations and leave mine out of it.