Sunday, May 10, 2020

About that Biden allegation...

This article at Vox about Tara Reade's allegations, from a reporter who had lengthy discussions with the complainant, is the single best thing I have read about the matter.

It convinces me that her complaint is highly dubious, given that her story has changed very significantly, and she has left raising the "worst" version against him until now, and not at the early stages of his career elevation.  I often don't care for Bill Maher's views, but his take on this matter seems right to me.

I know it's tricky, but Democrats and Democrat sympathisers with any brains should not let the mainstream media keep making this into another "Hilary's emails" situation - where they elevate an ill founded allegation to a significance it does not deserve, all to the benefit of the Wingnut Right.


Not Trampis said...

You are late on this. I wrote on this last week.

He has no history of sexual assault. This is a once off if you believe her. This would be very very usual.

I tend to agree with you

GMB said...

You really are an idiot. You were fooled for three years and you still cannot get it right.