Thursday, May 14, 2020

Can some journalist point this out to Trump?

One of Trump's back up plans for finding an excuse for [possibly, hopefully, and I think likely] losing the November election is to blame it on Democrats providing for voting by mail:

Yet in California, the Republicans just won back a seat (traditionally theirs anyway, so no one is in a great panic about it) in which it seems likely that perhaps 50% of the votes were by mail:
In 2018, in California as a whole, 43 percent of the votes ultimately cast were not in the morning-after tabulations, and the proportion of mail ballots in this special election (for which all registered voters were sent a mail ballot due to an executive order from Governor Gavin Newsom) could be even higher.
He shouldn't be allowed to have it both ways.   Even though he is a moron and there is no way to get him to make sense.

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

A moron can have it both ways as both are 'true'.