Thursday, May 21, 2020

If you think the Tara Read allegation has legs...

...I suggest you watch last night's Planet America, in which they uncover evidence that she (or someone acting for her) went back and amended an on line statement to make it foreshadow more details coming, when in fact it originally referred only to sexual harassment, not sexual assault.

This and the recent Politico story about how many people she has dealt who think she has a loose association with the truth, convince me that she is an oddball who has upped a story of leaving Biden's office for harassment (which the other office workers say was not the reason for her departure) into one of serious sexual assault.  

Planet America continues to be extremely good - very informed, and very balanced.  I would fault them for too much balance in favour of Trump and Republicans, actually;  but they are still well worth watching.

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

yep good program. and now they do not try to be funny too many times.