Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sinclair Davidson's moderation skills on display again

Sure, Clementine Ford is an annoying version of a feminist who thinks she can joke about men not dying fast enough while (presumably) being upset about men (like Alan Jones) making violence suggestive language about women. 

Personally, I have long thought she is best ignored, but it's fair enough that people complain about her getting grants to continue doing whatever she does. 

So, of course, the quality of Catallaxy comments about her is going to be great (that's sarcasm), and include argument over whether she is attractive or not.  Because that matters in a debate about what she said.  This comment struck me as particularly unpleasant, though:

Why has no journalist in the country ever challenged this academic for what he allows and doesn't allow at a blog he can moderate? 


Not Trampis said...

Can't say I have ever heard of her.

Davidson only bars people who disagree remember

GMB said...
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John said...

Why has no journalist in the country ever challenged this academic for what he allows and doesn't allow at a blog he can moderate?

Because Catallaxy is irrelevant in Australian politics. IIRC though in the past Davidson has been required to address issues about the blog because of complaints RMIT.

Does the MSM want to be drawing attention to blogs?

GMB said...

We ought not be hassling Sinclair for free speech. His real sin is blocking alternate economic discussion that may have stopped the disastrous road we have gone down. Sometimes he reigns these people in a little bit.

Its unAustralian to be limiting speech. Of course no-one can criticise zionism on his blog. Fortunately its gone more Catholic than rabbinical these days. Used to be a real zionist sewer. We are talking about a group of people so dimwitted that they think two aluminium planes can destroy six buildings. So Sinclair has damaged the place with censorship. Since anyone not so sticky-minded has slowly dropped out over time.

Sinclair was very courageous to stick up for George Pell. So we don't want to be putting pressure on him or bringing some sort of big chill down on Catallaxy. It has improved a bit. It used to be that you could sell a wharf to the communists and call this "free enterprise". Actually it used to be so bad that if you complained about such idiocy you'd be shouted down by a monomaniacal group of quislings.