Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The biggest problem with the internet...

....is that it has put conspiracy minded idiots in instantaneous contact with other idiots, setting up a community and cycle of mutually reinforcing idiocy, all with the ability to be politically exploited. 

Today's example:  Obamagate is still trending on Twitter, with the main concern of many of the posts being that despite the number of mindless tweets on the topic, it's some sort of serious conspiracy that Twitter is repressing the hashtag from being number one on "Trending"!

And all it took is one Fox News "story" that is pure speculation (my bold):
"Sources are telling Watters' World that Attorney General Bill Barr was just given a trove of smoking gun documents that could point directly at former President Barack Obama, revealing his powerful connection to 'Spygate' and the Russia hoax," Watters said on Saturday.
Of course, Trump, an idiot, then just had to tweet "Obamagate", and his cult followers, not to mention the sad sack Qanon followers who find meaning in fantasising about how their Annointed One will (finally!) unleash an attack on the Deep State that has corrupted all that is good and right in the world, resulting in mass arrest and executions of liberal criminals, jump on board and find more evidence of conspiracy because their hashtag is not No 1.

The US is in so much trouble, because this idiocy is exploited and encouraged by the large slab of idiots in the Republican party.


Not Trampis said...

and everyone was against Trump.

If it occurred there would have been a whistleblower and Obama would have leaked before the election.


Anonymous said...

Steve, you're similar to Qanon but without the following or the gravitas