Sunday, May 03, 2020

What's going on in Aussie wingnut land?

Why has Catallaxy stopped taking comments?   It still has wrong and useless posts, but no more comments.   Overall, that's an improvement. 

Now just get rid of 95% of the posts, and it might gain a skerrick of credibility as a "centre right" blog again.

Update:  all back to it's now standard role - a Facebook substitute for a cluster of Australian conservatives to say obnoxious things they won't or can't say in front of their relatives or workplace.   It was just Sinclair having a dummy spit that the group was being too nasty to each other, whereas he thinks they should only be nasty to their "enemies", who haven't bothered showing up there for a decade or so anyway. 


Anonymous said...

You're obsessed almost the point of stalking that site. Sad.

GMB said...

I'm a bit worried about them. What with social distancing, some of the people of Catallaxy are likely to be pretty distraught.

Not Trampis said...

wingnuts will always be wingnuts.

Steve we must be thankful however. When it is boring we can always comment on some stupid catallaxy article and show up its failings.

Daniel Johnson said...

Stay safe out there, and stay home if you can.