Friday, June 05, 2020

Conspiracy watch

*  For those interested, Graeme is still making comments and I not letting any through, regardless of content.   He is sure, though, that there is some sort of coup against Trump being organised by the you-know-who's.   (Maybe that apostrophe is not technically correct?  But it needs something...)

To what end?  I don't think that matters to Graeme - it just always has to be the fault of the you-know-who's.  Even if they are the beneficiaries of pro-annexation policies under Trump they still want him replaced, apparently.   Huh.

* Poor old "my old friends won't talk to me anymore" Steve Kates is having another "the Left and the media! They're all constant liars and idiots and pure evil - why won't they engage me in genuine political debate?"  moment.  Of course, his post is headed by a Tucker Carlson clip, because Kates knows who to listen to as an objective and fair commentator on matters political.  The other 95% of commentators on TV are just pure evil liars, don't you know?  Their failure to support Trump and the Republicans is self evident proof of that.

Sinclair likes to let people post at his blog regardless of the embarrassment they cause themselves.  Did he never see that ad about how "mates don't let mates drink and drive"?    Sinclair gives them the keys, cuts the brake line, and gives the car a push towards the edge of the credibility cliff.  What a pal.

* Conspiracy and cult membership at Catallaxy is popular, though.   Again, it's a case of circles within circles, when you read things like this:

Oh I see.  Hadn't worked that one out - perhaps because I don't have a streak of paranoia a mile wide?

And, of course, it is possibly the end of the world as we know it:

Yeah, the progressive Lefies of the police forces bashing with abandon, I guess.

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

When our old mate Katesy who is a few sandwiches short of a picnic is not an outlier you know the whole lot are simply nuts.

Stupid is as stupid does