Thursday, June 18, 2020

How to respond to racism

In the case of Sinclair Davidson, you leave it up on the blog you can moderate.


And why does RMIT tolerate staff who moderate a blog leaving it up?

Update:  If I am not mistaken, it has been removed - but with no explanation.

While that is good, I remain somewhat puzzled as to why he doesn't make it clear that such clear racism is not to be posted in comments.

Update 2:  wait:  although the original comment is gone, it had been copied into another person's comment, in full, so it is still in the thread!

Sinclair, Sinclair:   if you are (and I assume you are) the one who deleted the original comment - why not make a clear statement on the blog that it was unacceptable and such blatant racism is not to be repeated?? 

Set some standards and be clear about it, for God's sake.

Update 3:  the reposting of the comment is now deleted.  Again, no comment from Sinclair on the blog as to why, though.


Not Trampis said...

Sinkers always claimed he was employed because of RMIT had so many full paying overseas students.
I said at the time that accounting was strange.

If he still has a job he was wrong.

Anonymous said...

You may have noticed the job losses in the Australian university system.