Friday, June 26, 2020

Intelligence that makes me do that Homer Simpson drool

My God.  I am watching Planet America Fireside Chat on ABC News, and once again it's such exquisitely intelligent commentary it makes me want to do that Homer Simpson drool when he thinks of pork chops.

"Smart, witty people being reasonable....gaaaaaah!"


GMB said...

If you think that ABC news has smart commentary that would explain a lot. Its just a propaganda vehicle for bonehead financiers whose money sucks up more money while they sleep.

GMB said...

Oh sorry about the misunderstanding. Its our guys. Not such a bad recommendation. You may be overdoing it a bit. But so far looks quite good.

GMB said...

No thats great. Looks like I have one quality local show to watch to stay up to date with mainstream Australian views of the American scene.

John said...

Planet America provides a depth of analysis that doesn't exist in Australian journalism and it probably does better than most USA journalism.

GMB said...

Yes but they still push stupid stuff. Like the two of them have an ongoing demonisation of HCQ in place. Funny that its still at their local chemist and being prescribed on a daily basis. Just not when its needed to save lives. Such is the nature of bio-terrorist warfare. It does no good to allow the targets an antidote.