Wednesday, June 24, 2020

World's greatest democracy still can't get democracy right

What the hell do Americans find so hard about having polling stations stay open until all of those who arrived before closing get a chance to vote??   Why do we see so regularly this theatre of urgent applications to judges to get the polling station to stay open to let long delayed voters vote? 

I would be really embarrassed about this if I were an American:


GMB said...

From around George Bush senior onward pretty much all elections have been rigged. There has been fixed elections prior to that but the rigging was more locally based. So for example Chicago was given to Kennedy which was decisive in his competition with Vice President Nixon. Its not a Democracy any more. Its an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy.

Not Trampis said...

I wrote about this some time ago.
When you have coronavirus then allow voting over several days.

GMB said...

Good idea Homer. I find myself in stunning agreement with you. I better alert the media. Wish I had thought of that. It seems so clear now that you have stated it. That should have been the answer years ago. Not just the virus but to make sure matters are proceeding in a fair and non-suspicious way.