Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Noted from Nature

It would be no magic elixir, but all ideas are probably worth investigating at this stage:
Large-scale removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere might be achieved through enhanced rock weathering. It now seems that this approach is as promising as other strategies, in terms of cost and CO2-removal potential.
Also, as the headline indicates, don't get your hopes up about an effective COVID vaccine coming anytime soon:

Coronavirus vaccines leap through safety trials — but which will work is anybody’s guess


GMB said...

Prestige is not translated into quality. Nature is the most prestigious scientific journal but they are still completely full of shit. But occasionally they allow through a good idea. There are few ways to get nutrients back into our food. One of them is through rock dust. The other is through a tree-and-fungal network (even in grasslands) to help pull out the nutrients from the rocks already buried there. A third is from seaweed fertilisation. So rock dust fertilisation is one part of that strategy sure. Not a bad idea at all. The lowest cost way of encouraging this practice is through zero interest loans. What we don't want to have is this "one true measure" cult that has us creating all these loss-making activities. Zero interest loans are still respectful of price allocation. Subsidies will set up a counterproductive energy sink, that will lead to reversed outcomes of even the anti-CO2 suckers.

GMB said...

We ought not even be tolerating a corona virus vaccine. Much less funding one. Much less putting our hopes on one. Its putting your hopes on a corona vaccine which is is absolutely lethal right now. Not just because the people promoting the vaccines are lethal mass-murdering criminals ... But also even if they weren't that way, putting your hopes on a vaccine is stopping you, all of you, from acting now.

Who apart from me has the highest dose fat soluble vitamins available internationally in their house right now? Well what are you waiting for? I managed to fund these things on the enhanced unemployment benefit so what is your excuse? I'll tell you why you haven't done these things already. You are waiting for a vaccine. Lethal delusion. Lethal not just for you but for your friends and relatives.

Who has got zinc and selenium in the house right now, with zinc ionophores to go with it? Only me right? Some of you might have zinc tablets but without the ionophores.

See you haven't done these things and they have to be done, because if you get sick or a relative gets sick you don't have time to dilly dally around with the post office or even go downtown to buy stuff. Action has to be taken immediately, and different action has to be taken the moment anyone has cold or flu symptoms. As I have said, a new plan starts the moment you can feel the tiniest tickle at the back of your throat.