Thursday, July 23, 2020

That new climate sensitivity estimate

The report in Science seems pretty good in its explanation of what the new paper considered.

Short story:
Now, in a landmark effort, a team of 25 scientists has significantly narrowed the bounds on this critical factor, known as climate sensitivity. The assessment, conducted under the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and publishing this week in Reviews of Geophysics, relies on three strands of evidence: trends indicated by contemporary warming, the latest understanding of the feedback effects that can slow or accelerate climate change, and lessons from ancient climates. They support a likely warming range of between 2.6°C and 3.9°C


Not Trampis said...

Yeah both and Then Theres P hysics and Real climate write about this.

GMB said...

Just complete rubbish. And we know this because its based on rigged data sets. Plus the whole concept of "climate sensitivity" is based on a model that contains a set of assumptions that have been falsified only a weekly basis. In other words the planet recognises no such concept as "climate sensitivity" there is no such thing as this. Its simply an ideological doctrine without basis in fact.