Thursday, July 23, 2020

The man for whom the 1950's has never ended

I've said many times before he is a reincarnation of a middle aged Catholic man from the 1950's, but the extent to which Catholic conservative CL seems to think other people all share his viewpoint still amazes me sometimes:

And I say this even on the basis that, sure, I'm socially conservative enough to say that I think its better for parents to be married rather than in de facto relationships.   But it's ridiculous to suggest that unmarried mothers are in no position to set workplace relationship standards because they are unmarried.

I should also mention - he is profoundly ignorant (and arrogant) on anything to do with science:
Donald Trump was right along. And all the “experts” were wrong. Absolutely, totally, unambiguously…wrong. If the figure really is closer to 500,000 (or higher), COVID-19 is not a whole lot worse than the sniffles. This is the biggest episode of mass hysteria in modern history and if you’re still denying that, you’re a crank.
But Sinclair Davidson likes to run a blog for for the dangerous promotion of bad science takes that endangers people both now and into the future.



Not Trampis said...

Like most at Catallaxy he has lost his marbles.

Call it the curse of Catallaxy. A pity he ran a decent blog

Not Trampis said...

CL did not think much of a consensual relationship when Bill Clinton had one with Monica Lewinksy.

It was a disgrace now as it was then. CL sees only politics never morals

GMB said...

This is pretty weird fellas. Is it just the idea that Jacinta can do no wrong?

Not Trampis said...

That wasn't the point Graeme