Friday, August 28, 2020

Unsubtle symbolism

So, not only did a President use the White House and the Presidential seal for a party political convention, he also got to use a huge amount of (I assume) public land to launch a 4th July worthy fireworks display around the most obviously phallic monument in America.   

(Look, I don't normally think of the Washington Monument as phallic, but in the context of a narcissistic, trash talking, thinks-he's-real-masculine-but-probably-needs-Viagra President, I don't think this is an unwarranted take on the symbolism.)  

Update:  Heh -

1 comment:

GMB said...

Frum. Ho ho..... Frum.... Friend of yours?

Is the problem that this is all a bit gay? Is this gay-hating? This fellow has so many skeletons in the closet. And you worry about this?