Monday, August 24, 2020

Yet more reason to visit Singapore

The most surprising thing I saw on CNA on the weekend:  in Singapore, a man has a shop that sells ants for hobbyists:

"Just Ants" is the name of the shop. 

I used to enjoy brief stints of ant keeping as a child, but never knew how to get a queen.  If only I was a child in Singapore, now.

1 comment:

GMB said...

Well you know. The city state is the ideal political form. Except that it finds it difficult to look after itself from a defence point of view.

So we should be finding ways to Cantonise and figure out what is to be done at the Federal level (Defence, transfer payments, diplomacy, income tax, some other taxes) and try and decisively push good funding and full responsibility in as many issues as is reasonable to the city state level. We want our own little class act Singapores. And its alright to have a few failures along with that.

You should look into Liechtenstein.