Thursday, September 10, 2020

Excuse me while I swoon over Julia pointing out something useful to know

I happened to see Julia Gillard on the ABC breakfast show today, speaking in her role as Chair of Beyond Blue.

She said that suicide figures for Victoria (of course, the worst affected Australian state with COVID) for 2020 up to August were now available and there had been no increase in numbers over the previous year.   Still, they are worried about the potential for an increase, and hence have produced a video with an suicide prevention message (8 people who once felt suicidal, but came out of it OK.)

This "no increase in suicide numbers despite COVID lockdowns for 7 months" message is not something I had heard of before.   Instead, we get Right wing hysterics like Creighton going on and on about how this is going to devastate people, sending the message that it's reasonable to feel desperate because everything's going to Hell and yes, if you have lost your job your life is ruined, and for no reason.   (Mind you, even that Ian Hickie and the AMA have been talking about increased suicide risk - which is fair enough as a warning to government to try to bring in an adequate response, but I would have thought does run the risk in its reporting of encouraging a sense of inevitability in the vulnerable.) 

So, the positive message of no increased suicides so far should be given more prominence, I reckon.

And, by the way:  OMG, Gillard plays the role of useful ex Prime Minister with such exquisite grace, humour and intelligence, doesn't she?   I sort of swoon over her reasonableness on all appearances she makes.   Compare her performance to a snippet of Tony Abbott last night on Mad as Hell, making a weird "joke" about virgins during a press appearance in England about the lost cause of Brexit - he is still making people like me grind their teeth over what a complete embarrassment he is.      

 Update:  I see that the "no increase" message did appear in the news (at least, on the ABC, the Guardian and The Age - all of which might still be considered Left leaning sites, although not sure about the Age anymore) at the end of August - not sure that I saw it given much prominence on TV news, though.   Certainly, at the start of August, there seems a flurry of "suicides will increase" stories on sites like 7 News. 


Not Trampis said...

The major theory of why suicide has not increased is because of job keeper and the increased job seeker which did not occur in out previous two recessions.

Psychiatrists have not yet fessed up as yet. Their prediction were bad very bad yet some keep on with these predictions without any explanation why their predictions previously were so badly wrong!

TimT said...

Apparently the problem was one of those anticipated ahead of lockdown and suicide helplines were given extra money.

I’d imagine the deaths indirectly attributable to this man made recessions will be quite large, though.

GMB said...

What an impeccable statistical source you have. Julia Gillard. (not)

Not Trampis said...

Sorry Tim suicides simply have not risen ans my source is no less than the deputy chief Medical officer for mental health.

They certainly did rise significantly in the previous two recessions.

GMB said...

Don't be too trusting of these people. After all the Americans got Fauci. We don't have quality control in the medical world. Americas medical system is imperialist.