Monday, September 07, 2020

The singing tyrants

OK, so there's a reasonable chance you've seen it elsewhere, but I think it's only been out for less than a week, and I thought it was pretty interesting:

The most realistic looking thing about it (in my opinion) is the way their heads bob around.

I think I have linked to the original post of it, so it will presumably stay up, as I notice it is being taken down elsewhere.

People are suggesting that it shows what "deep fake" videos can do, and a lot of very serious people worry that politics is going to have a lot of trouble dealing with the poisonous effect of deep fake propaganda in future.

Call me too optimistic, perhaps; but if what fake videos can do is highlighted by examples such as this, doesn't it make it more likely that people will be more sceptical of  online propaganda using any form of video?   Not sure that I can convincingly make that case out when there are literally millions of Americans (nearly all Republicans) who at least partially believe in the ludicrous QAnon conspiracies - but perhaps with conspiracy and propaganda it's somewhat perversely the case that the lowest tech communication (simple text messages) promulgates the best?   All people have to believe is that such messages come from an insider - they don't have to speculate about whether the image, video or voice has been faked or manipulated on the way.       


GMB said...

The people who believe in everything Q Anon says are very rare. There is a girl called Anne at Catallaxy who seems to buy a lot of that hopium. Thinks that Trump is trying to help rather than being part of the oligarchical dialectic. I don't know why you keep going on about Q. Its just one set of opinions by one tight group of insiders that are trying to whitewash Trumps record.

If you want to see a superior researcher try Whitney Webb. A very smart young girl and a serious researcher. As opposed to Q who is a limited hangout. But you find a lot out from limited hangouts just so long as you don't swallow their jive whole.

E Michael Jones. Whitney Webb. Kevin Barrett. I just discovered this FTN crowd who can save me a lot of time. These are some of the people we listen too. Q ..... Not so much. Except for Anne.

GMB said...

Very scary. Someone could stitch me up using the technology. And if I called conspiracy, then all the programming kicks in right away. We've had such a good way to establish truth via video information. But once this technology goes general we'll lose that.

This is a disastrous technology. And it will be applied almost immediately. Its getting to where I will have to censor myself after all these years.