Friday, September 04, 2020

Worst Attorney General

Greg Sargent at Washington Post on why Barr is such a dangerous jerk (short version - he buys into the Right's decades' long, culture war inspired, escalation of anything to the left of them as the absolute evil enemy of everything good in the world) :
Barr gave a shocking interview to CNN late Wednesday that left zero doubt about his intentions. Barr refused to denounce Trump’s suggestion that people should try to illegally vote twice (by mail and in person), supposedly to test vote-by-mail’s validity. Trump brazenly repeated this on Thursday.

Barr also repeated his frequent claims that vote-by-mail elections have been riddled with fraud and that a foreign power could fabricate thousands of mail ballots. Both are utter nonsense. But in saying them, Barr is telegraphing his willingness to legitimize Trump’s eventual effort to try to invalidate untold numbers of mail ballots, which Trump has already told us is coming.

Meanwhile, Barr is party to another extraordinary move: Trump just approved a memo declaring the intention to restrict federal funding to Democratic-led cities designated as “anarchist jurisdictions.” Barr will determine which cities earn this label.

This is being widely denounced as illegal, and it may go nowhere. But let’s focus on its stated rationale: A city will be designated as such if it has “permitted violence and the destruction of property” and “forbids the police force from intervening to restore order.”

The idea that these officials have deliberately allowed violence and restrained police from restoring order is crucial. In reality, officials are working amid extremely complex, fast-moving conditions to balance the restoration of order and public safety with respect for civil liberties and peaceful assembly, while (ideally) avoiding abuse of the awesome powers of state violence....
Here's the more general point:
Trump’s reelection case is premised on not just on the idea that Joe Biden and Democrats are too weak to control leftist violence. It’s also that they are willingly allowing those forces to run rampant, in the full knowledge that they are out to destroy the very possibility of civil society itself.

Both Trump and Barr have delivered major speeches spelling out this worldview. Commemorating Independence Day, Trump likened his own struggle against “the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists” to the struggle to defeat fascism in World War II.

Trump is at war with the left, to rescue civil society itself. He recently declared: “We’re saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country.”

For his part, Barr, speaking to the Federalist Society last November, infamously declared that “it is the left” that poses the true threat to the “rule of law,” through a “scorched earth, no-holds barred” war against Trump.

Barr also voiced support for a strong executive, unshackled by oversight and legal nitpicking, declaring that it has delivered glory at moments of great national struggle against fascism, communism and “Islamic fascism,” which elevates the war on terror into an epic civilizational showdown. As Laura Field details, Barr belongs to a movement of “reocons,” or authoritarian reactionary conservatives.

Indeed, Barr is drawing on a long tradition of “anti-liberalism,” which is hostile to liberal democracy in part precisely because it doesn’t cast politics as a perpetual emergency struggle against an overarching enemy, and instead values proceduralism and compromise, which sap the moral will and decisiveness of the polity.

Barr did not explicitly declare the war against the left akin to the war with fascism. But Trump has. And by labeling the left an existential threat to the rule of law alongside a paean to the glory of the executive unfettered at times of crisis, he creeps right up to the precipice of this claim....
 Barr’s grotesque exaggerations of the leftist threat help give Trump justification for urging right-wing vigilantes to take matters into their own hands, lawlessly.
Good analysis.


GMB said...

Okay here is the Washington post lie:

"The idea that these officials have deliberately allowed violence and restrained police from restoring order is crucial. In reality, officials are working amid extremely complex, fast-moving conditions to balance the restoration of order and public safety with respect for civil liberties and peaceful assembly, while (ideally) avoiding abuse of the awesome powers of state violence...."

Washington post is CIA. The CIA actually got Jeff Bezos to take over this disinformation rag, and so the paper is a creature of oligarchy. So the Washington post lies all the time. Yes the Mayors and Governors have been deliberately taking away police protection in order to get the violence going. When you see this all you need to do is look at their campaign donors to find out the ultimate perps.

Here is the historical principle involved: This type of violence happens when people in power (not necessarily the government) gives out the green light. When they give the green light out, in come the psychopaths.

This was the same for the KKK. On the surface of things KKK actions seem to have been about racism. But racism is a constant factor. It doesn't always lead to violence. What happens is that the local leadership gives the green light ... out comes the psychopaths, the black families have no police protection, and as you can imagine the most sickening things happen. So thats what has happened here and notice in the last protest it wasn't black men causing the problem. It was white psychos of German extraction with a rap sheet as long as your arm. Its they who had been given the green light and the police had stepped down only showing up to give the local boys (Yes Rittenhouse is a local lad) some water.

Now here's another lie going on: "urging right-wing vigilantes" There is no right-wing vigilantes in this story. They are not to be found. A vigilante would track down the bad people to where they are and meet out summary justice.

Now imagine if these psychopaths were bussed into Albury/ Wodonga? People on either side of the border are sociologically and mentally and in all other ways part of the same community. These boys may reside either side of the Illinois/Wisconsin border but they are locals. They were locals defending a small business/residential mixed use suburb. So there were kids in their beds nearby. It wasn't some isolated business area. So these are not vigilantes. Thats another media lie. They are unpaid security in a situation where outsider psychopaths, from a long way off, have shown up to destroy their own communities businesses. Barely a black oppressed victim in sight. Thats their friends and employers they are looking out for. Thats not community protection. They are not tracking down white BLM members far from home.

And the boys did a great job. The business damage was limited. Those employers are still there to give jobs to the young men. And none of the good guys got shot. No black man was hurt. The German descended psychos were not spawned from disadvantaged communities. No oppressed minority was damaged in the violence that was created 100% by rich men, corporate donors, and the left.

The left isn't even the left any more. They are rich guys trying to get everyone else fighting.

Not Trampis said...

Grifters need grifters to stay in power.

The difference between postal voting and absentee voting. nuffin

GMB said...

"Good analysis."

Thats just ridiculous. Think of what has happened here. All the disinformation media you follow, including the Guardian and those two dummies on that program you like ..... they have been repeating the misinformation meme "PEACEFUL PROTESTS". Thats a lie. Many people have been killed, beaten up, intimidated .... and approximately half a BILLION dollars in small business and community property damage has been done. Thats not a peaceful protest and its not meant to be a peaceful protest. Yet all publications that you read have been turning everything on its head.

"Good analysis."

So thats the context. You've got an alternative reality going. Obviously if rich men pay psychopaths to destroy things there MUST be a response. And then you guys are like kids who say "he pushed me first." But thats not factual. The restraint so far has been incredible. But this Rittenhouse kid was well-trained clearly. He didn't even kill anyone who didn't attack him. Thats not what usually happens. What usually happens is people either lose their nerve in front of the mob and the mob runs amok. The people who fail to shoot get hurt. Or alternatively the guys with the firearms will wind up shooting everyone they can. Not this kid. This kid was amazing. He only killed those guys who were tussling over his rifle or trying to shoot him. Thats amazing. One fellow tried to shoot him with a handgun and the kid blew his bicep off.

So the kid was well-trained and he was doing what he was supposed to be doing. Protecting his own community.

GMB said...

In terms of the police standing down. Let there be no controversy about it. Half a billion dollars worth of property damage could never have gotten started if the police are doing their job. This mealy-mouthed lying talk is disgusting. Its an outright lie pleading a complicated circumstance that does not exist.

In terms of Kenosha, since its a small city, we have to assume that the cops know the locals. On camera we have the police tossing out bottles of water to the kids and thanking them. Which they would hardly do if they thought the kids were vigilantes. They didn't get out of the car, because they weren't going to intervene. Now obviously they must have been told not to intervene. Others their failure to protect the community would lead to them being sacked.

So thats item one. The water footage. The governor cannot stop them throwing out water bottles to the kids. But he can sack them if they intervene or abandon them legally if anything goes wrong.

Item 2 is that after Kyle had sorted things out he tried to hand himself into the police. They didn't stop to talk to them. Beyond the water bottles they were not intervening in any way.

So the Washington post are liars. You have to get used to these things. The Washington Post is a CIA disinformation rag. I know its hard to believe some of these things but its a part of growing up.