Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Catholics for Trump are fine with this, because it's better than Obama making a Catholic hospital provide for its staff to be able to get contraception under their health insurance

Maybe that's the longest post title ever, but the sickening state of conservative Catholicism and American politics makes it worth it.  Here's the story:




GMB said...

Killing babies. A good thing in your view right?

Steve said...

Graeme: don't be silly - good contraception prevents conception in the first place.

And the Obama administration bent over backwards to make sure Catholic hospitals could not be said to be providing contraceptive cover under their own insurance for their (often non Catholic) workers - but the conservatives came up with a truly ridiculous objection that even signing a bit of paper that would allow someone else to provide contraception to their workers was morally objectionable.

It was stupid over-reach, and everyone knows that only a small percent of even practising Catholics think that the Church's teaching on the Pill is sensible.