Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Just your average personality based death cult

You know what I'm talking about:

There is much speculation that this (and his series of ALL CAPITALS tweets yesterday) are due to a steroid high - but of course, there is no way Trump will ever admit that, even if true.

The other obvious things out of this whole episode:

*   how do so many dishonest, dubious quality doctors find their way into being his personal physician, or in important roles?   Do they find him, or he find them, so to speak?

*   there is a strong and not unreasonable suspicion that Trump may have had a positive test before the debate [update:  perhaps more likely, was already infected and contagious, even if he didn't have a positive test].  Surely the exact timing of his testing regime last week will leak soon if it is indeed true.

*   Trump's reaction is readily explained by chronic narcissistic personality disorder:   because he might be over the worst, and because he had it, he thinks he is now the most knowledgeable person around on the topic, and that if he can beat it, people shouldn't fear it.    Watching such poisonous and policy dangerous narcissism should, by any normal person's standards, be stomach churning.  But American is suffering from an evidence free personality cult by the dumbest cult leader who has ever ended up heading a cult.   So there is no reasoning with his base.

* It is tempting every day to just do post after post with the title 


because the evidence for it is just so overwhelming.


Not Trampis said...

Alas there is so much spin about Trump and the hospital it is just too great.

A patient is never in shirt sleeves. Taking the buttons off takes time.
This together with him signing blank pieces of paper makes him look absurd.
The timeline is way out.
Why is he leaving sooo soon.
Why was he allowed to be in a limousine with people when he should be in quarantine.
Why was he allowed to take his mask off with people around.

Lots and lots of questions that are all avoided.

GMB said...

Once the cult of treatment denial has been broken the virus need not dominate our lives. The key place where the virus multiplies is not person to person. The key nexus is not the mouth and the nose, though this is an important nexus its secondary. The key site of replication is INSIDE THE CELL. So we need a filter at every stage. Not just at the mouth and the nose stage. And once we have all the filters in place we don't need to worry.

I was a bit worried a couple of weeks ago. I had to leave the house with such urgency I didn't pack my anti-viral arsenal. But for the most part I don't have to worry about the virus because I didn't buy into the treatment denial cult.

GMB said...

" there is a strong and not unreasonable suspicion that Trump may have had a positive test before the debate [update: perhaps more likely, was already infected and contagious, even if he didn't have a positive test]. Surely the exact timing of his testing regime last week will leak soon if it is indeed true."

Out of all your conspiracy theories I would suggest that this is the first one I can remember that is actually quite sensible. It fits with the pressures and the personality of Trump that he would risk his own health and, sorry to say, that of others, given that the stakes are so high. Notice too he way under-performed. Not that anything Biden said had any substance but even at the most superficial level Trump ought to have been able to win easily.

If this conspiracy theory is true then was Trump being irresponsible? Yes and at the drunk driver level. Because while he knows how to treat himself the left are treatment and preparation skeptics and could easily fall deathly ill under the circumstances. HCQ brings zinc into the cell and cuts off some viral replication. But even so its still a situation of Russian roulette. Yes treatment will reduce infection by a great deal but I wouldn't chance being in the same room as Trump if I knew he was positive so if the story is true the irresponsibility is manifest.

Will this cause team Trump any problems if the conspiracy theory turns out to be true.

No it won't because the left has used so many lies in bullshit attempts to accuse Trump of stuff he's basically vaccinated against what they say true or false. The left has cried wolf too many times.

GMB said...

"Trump's reaction is readily explained by chronic narcissistic personality disorder: because he might be over the worst, and because he had it, he thinks he is now the most knowledgeable person around on the topic, and that if he can beat it, people shouldn't fear it."

If he is treated properly, and he cuts his workload down to maybe 5 hours a day, I don't think he has much to fear. If he's a narcissist and keeps up his normal work schedule ... Yeah sure he'll probably die. Because the virus has been through gain of function studies and can outrun any single attempt to stop it.

GMB said...

What is meant by a Trump Supporter? Someone who laments that the two decent candidates were corruptly denied a fair crack at the White House? Someone who doesn't want a fellow with dementia running things? Meaning that people who have no accountability will be running things?

You pretend not to understand. Clearly you have hidden agendas. Over at Quiggins place someone mentioned that a fellow reckoned there will be several billion deaths this century. Your comment was that you hadn't seen his ideas being "peer reviewed"

Where is this belligerent stupidity coming from?

Too much magic.

GMB said...

"Why was he allowed to be in a limousine with people when he should be in quarantine.
Why was he allowed to take his mask off with people around."

He's the fucking President for fucksakes. He's supposed to be the most powerful person in the world or didn't you get the memo Trampis? Okay okay I know he isn't actually the most powerful person in the world but if he wants a ride in a limo he can get at least that.

Pull you head in Trampis. You are not a chosen one. You don't get to dictate to the President of the United States. It would be nice if Aussie citizens had that kind of standing but we don't.