Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Kevin has a point

You all know I had no time for Rudd as a politician, but he really has a point here:



Not Trampis said...

Hypocrisy extremely loud

GMB said...

Kevin is right of course. But he's wrong at the same time. He ought not have ran a deficit back then. And the Liberals should not have run a deficit now. There is never an excuse for deficits. Certainly there was valid reasons for transfer payments to maintain small business jobs. But that could have been done much better without deficits.

There is a massive embarrassment of riches to plunder when it comes to getting the resources we need to solve problems. But deficits are no such resource. Deficits are not a resource. Unnecessary public sector jobs, trusts, the money creation benefit, the potential to partially default on the banks .... these are all huge wells of resources to be used for plunder. We've got to take them. And emergencies are the best time to unlock these Emerald Cities paved with gold.