Thursday, October 15, 2020

Max Boot on the Republican pseudo scandals

Max Boot's column about the failure of the "unmasking" pseudo scandal is good.  I like how it ends, too:

If Trump, Cornyn, Cruz, Paul, Nunes, Grenell and all the others who shamelessly flogged this faux scandal had a modicum of honesty or decency they would publicly recant and apologize to all of the Obama officials they reviled with no evidence. Dream on. None of the scandalmongers have admitted they were wrong. Many have simply moved on to pushing other phony scandals....

But facts don’t matter in the Hunter Biden conspiracy theories any more than in the “unmasking” story. The strategy is, as former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon once said, to “flood the zone with shit” to distract attention from Trump’s real wrongdoing. The real scandal is that Trump and his cult followers hurl so many insane accusations — and never recant or apologize. While claiming to be a victim of McCarthyism, Trump is, in fact, its foremost modern practitioner. His mentor, Joseph McCarthy’s henchman Roy Cohn, would be proud of him. 

Funnily enough, McCarthy is treated as an unfairly treated hero now by the conservative Right.


Not Trampis said...

This has always been Trump's strategy.

It is up to Democrats to respond

John said...

Perhaps the MSM is tired of all the accusations. Checking my usual news sources, admittedly very small, I found nothing on the latest Biden issue. Perhaps it is scandal fatigue but I think it is more a case that this story has so many problematic aspects they don't want to peddle it.