Friday, October 02, 2020

Trump and theology

My daughter made the claim the other day that Donald Trump's failure to come down with COVID strikes her as proof that God can't exist.  With news like this, her case is getting stronger, I'm afraid:

 Update:  as God says:

Update 2:   The plausibility of God is re-established with news that the Orange One has it.   But if he is one of these politicians that suffers barely a sniffle, God's credibility will take another hit.   


Not Trampis said...

If it really hits him it will be in the second week.

his age and obesity are not good

GMB said...

Donald Trump isn't going to get Covid since when in danger he's got HCQ on hand. He told you as much. He's not waiting until he's hospitalised to use HCQ. The idea was to use it whenever there is some kind of risk. In advance of being sick.

You can tell you daughter its nothing to do with God. Its just HCQ. Not God.

GMB said...

It comes at a bad time though. This is someone who used to be known to sleep only about four hours a day. He'll be wanting to keep up his workload so close to the election but he really ought to be resting all day. If it was me and I had HCQ, sure I wouldn't be worried. But at the same time I'd be on the bludge. I'd be bludging so much that if I had a pet bird it would be a bludgearigar. But he's likely to want to keep on campaigning.

Still he should be alright. He should likely back off, take the HCQ and rest quite a lot for a few days.

GMB said...

I can confirm that Trump is now following the three-way HCQ protocol. So I am sure that you will be happy that though he is 74 or so, and somewhat overweight, he should not have too much trouble unless he overworks himself.

So dry those tears people. Let that knot in your stomach unwind, ease off, and go away. He will be alright.