Monday, November 30, 2020

Incredible bad faith

The news is already old - these losing pro-Trump cases really are being thrown out quickly now - but I just wanted to note the incredible bad faith of (some) Pennsylvania Republicans who voted for mail in ballots a year ago, conducted a primary using them, but when Trump loses in the final election, decide to challenge the constitutionality of the legislation they voted in!

This was all explained in a post by Ed Morrisey at Hot Air - which remains in my opinion the only conservative politics website worth anything.   

Here he is with an update when the PA Supreme Court threw it out. 

It just shows incredible bad faith that any Pennsylvania Republican should have tried this on. 


GMB said...

None of the cases have lost. They are not losing cases. They are thrown out by corrupt judges under the usurpation doctrine of standing. Its just the same dumb left excuse-making transplanted to the courts.

Not Trampis said...

They are playing with fire.
As soon as people do not believe the results of an election then they resort to valence

GMB said...

Indeed they will Homer. Indeed they will.