Monday, November 02, 2020

Monday quantum physics

I have been watching Youtube videos on quantum physics recently, and thought that these two were very good, from the point of view of explaining how the ideas evolved.  As the guy who made them says:

More in-depth than most presentations for laypersons, but without the mathematical rigour needed by a specialist in the field.

These are 5 years old now, and unfortunately, he seems to have stopped at two.  Although I haven't watched his other videos, it would seem he got into some huge fight with both creationists and post-modernists and stopped making videos.

Anyway, so I don't lose track of them in future:




GMB said...

What is the matter with you? Why do you find this nonsense interesting? There is no light duality. Light is waves through the aether and thats the end of it. There is no duality of matter either. If matter seems to be particles and waves at the same time that is simply the interaction between matter and aether. Didn't I explain this all before? Dummy?

GMB said...

Having said that these are very good videos. Its just the titles I object too, and the gullibility. There is nothing voodoo going on here. Its just aether-denial. The wedge issue that allowed the oligarchy get their grubby hands of physics.

GMB said...

No damnit I was right the first time. While this fellow is a fine historian of science he's fundamentally gullible. Taken in by the cult of personality.