Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Re-endorsing this way of eating prawns

It was earlier this year that I endorsed this:

I used it again this last weekend, and it's just so easy and so nice - if you have a family that doesn't mind peeling their own hot prawns (or eating a lot of the shell.)  

For $15 I bought 700g of whole green banana prawns (I prefer tiger, but they are not always available green in the supermarket), and in a big wok fried (in a few tablespoons of oil) some capsicum, spring onion and left over bok choy; take it out, then throw in the prawns.  Let them cook about 75% of the way through (that's the instructions on the spice pack!), and sprinkle on the spices.  Keep cooking, and add back the vegetables, and you're done.   Throw on top of a big serving plate of rice.

It couldn't be easier, because you don't peel the prawns. 

If the prawn is not super large, I eat quite a bit of shell now too.  Frying lets you do that.

I also re-invite the Seahs company to reward me for the endorsement.   Ha.  Maybe just a return ticket to Singapore to visit their factory would be enough!

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