Thursday, January 14, 2021

It may be propaganda, but it's very high quality propaganda

So, Youtube suggested this video for me (no doubt because of other building/architecture videos I have watched recently), and it was pretty interesting:

If you can't watch it now, it's about a very, very tall building in Shanghai which has been open a while but seems to have attracted criticism for its low tenancy. It is an innovative building, as the chief architect explains. (And honestly, his body and demeanour doesn't really fit my mental image of what most architects would look like.  I expect them to be slim and slightly dandified - more like Tom Wolfe than Jack Black.)  

Anyhow, I see that the channel the video is on has a lot of suspiciously pro-China sounding content (and in fact, there is a propaganda aspect to this video, where it is suggested that buildings made with government investment are more likely to take green innovation seriously because they can afford to wait for the return on energy use savings.)   

And yeah, I see that CGTN is a Chinese government owned news network with a reputation for controversial pro-China propaganda content.

Gee, the quality of their videos seems very high, though. 

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