Tuesday, May 25, 2021

In which I invite G Bird to opine in comments

I have not let through any Graeme Bird comments for quite a while now, but he can't take a hint and is still making appearances in moderation, calling me a Jewish c.. etc.   Do you really wonder, Graeme, why no one lets you comment for long on blogs?

But with my renewed interest in UFOs, and the particular evidence of the strangely acting "tic tac" thing over the ocean in 2004 that has impressed me so much (again, not the videos, but the pilots' accounts of what they saw), I am here to announce that I will let any comment that Graeme might like to make (on this post only) about what he thinks is going on.

Of course, any reference to Jews, or swearing, will mean the comment does not appear at all.

And by the way, I found myself in pretty much complete agreement with the commentary in this guy's video about the matter, which came out 8 months ago, but I only saw it recently:

Update: that'd be right. Just when you give him permission to comment on one matter, he doesn't. Not yet, anyway.


GMB said...

Might have something for you on the weekend. But it will be context only. General principles. Starting with the reality that anti-gravity research was quite well-advanced when it was taken covert in the 1950's.

GMB said...

The first step to understanding this mystery is to understand what gravity is. We can do this if we shrug off aether-denial. We know the aether exists since we can measure the wave-length of light. Light proves the existence of the aether.

The next thing to note is that gravity is an instantaneous pull-force. It is not limited by the speed of light. We know this since were there a light speed limit, all our orbits would unravel. The above facts (FACTS) prove constant contact. We already see with electro-magnetic radiation that this goes from every nucleon, directly or indirectly to every other. A nucleon is a proton or a neutron. Its not totally clear that protons in a plasma form (shorn of their electrons) are part of the gravitational network. But normal protons and neutrons definitely are.

So the aether is responsible for both light and gravity. The logic of the above is virutally unassailable. Can the aether be disrupted therefore disrupting gravity and inertia? You bet it can. Townsend Brown was a pre-teen when he first found out how to do it.

But even gyroscopic behaviour disrupts aether so greatly reduces gravity, otherwise the old man's wrist would break. More episodes to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery if I get feedback from other readers.


GMB said...

Questions anyone? It will make it easier to understand if people ask serious questions.

So gravity is not space bending. Thats just silly. Gravity is not limited by the speed of light. Thats disproven already. If these fallacies about gravity are so easily disproven this implies a huge psychological operation. In fact the entirety of modern voodoo physics is largely a psychological operation to 1. hide the nature of gravity 2. Hide the nature of fusion 3. Hide that in space in the inner solar system you have unlimited free electricity and 4. Demoralise people by way of telling them that the universe is doomed.

Pretty much in that order. Hiding the nature of gravity is the most important goal. You can't just lie about gravity to hide its nature. You have to fill the kids heads with nonsense. But in any case every UFO relies on gravity disruption. And these vessels are shaped in accordance with gravity disruption.

Lets start with the classic UFO shape? A flying saucer. Just think in your minds eye, how is the flying saucer shaped for gravity disruption. Everything I've written already, if you read it a few times, the information is there to allow you to understand the relationship between the flying saucer shape, and gravity disruption.

GMB said...

Its much better to continue with this thread, as a series of question and answer sessions if we could get three or four intelligent open-minded people participating in good faith. If we get that happening you can take the blog off moderation and while there is some interest in this thread I'll give you an iron guarantee not to comment anywhere else.

This is important. So if anyone is treating this subject seriously, I'll stay off any other topic.

GMB said...

Dude I know I'm being a bit indirect. But there is simply no way to investigate this problem without understanding the science first. So you should let these posts through?

Now see how the old man was able to handle the weight? But the spinning weight was neutralising some gravity and some inertia but in hard to predict ways. Whereas with a saucer shape you could have fast moving, electrically powered rotation of liquid mercury in order to disrupt the aether between the bottom of the flying saucer and the ground. When you see some of the footage you will see that its an uneasy balance that this type of yoofo maintains because it can be pulled sideways by a mountain.

Now dig your tic tac version. Though I see no clear footage and it could all be a deep state hoax, can you see how the same principle could apply? So do you see the relationship between the shape of the vessel and aether neutralisation?

The kids need to know this stuff. Let it through. But be careful. This is not the great new form of transport that everyone will want to make it out to be. It has its niche sure. But it can't replace the old technologies of flat rail, tug boats, container tankers, dirigibles .... so sorely neglected ... and unfortunately for the moment we need our diesel trucks. Anti-gravity is like the very fast train version of the dirigible. Its got a niche we need to fill with it. But its not the be all and end all.

GMB said...

Still nothing. Thats a nuisance. If I had suspected you wouldn't let anything through I could have copied those posts and used them elsewhere. What is the problem here? You don't like the contextual stuff?

To cut to the chase the alternative to aliens is covert technology combined with the deep state blowing smoke in our face. But the alien thesis does have to be taken seriously as well. I am no believer but every hypotheses needs to be taken under consideration. There is a lot to go through here.

GMB said...

Oops I forgot to mention something which is key to understanding gravity:

Aether cannot be static. Aether links must always be breaking and reforming, breaking and reforming on the subatomic level. Were this not the case, everything would be fixed in place. What this means is that you can disrupt gravity by breaking the aether and not giving it a chance to reconstitute itself.

Steve said...

Graeme, I just wanted to know whether you thought it was alien drones, some unknown country's secret tech, or a Bond villain behind it all.

I wasn't really expecting a lesson on Birdian anti-gravity technology.