Wednesday, June 02, 2021

A credibility issue?

Oh, so just as I thought from the look and manner of the guy, there is apparently reason to suspect the credibility of Luis Elizondo:


The Guardian writes:

A Pentagon whistleblower known for speaking out about UFOs is accusing his former agency of waging a disinformation campaign against him, a report says.

Luis Elizondo, who headed the Pentagon’s now-defunct Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, lodged a complaint with the defense department’s inspector general claiming malicious activities, professional misconduct and other offenses at the agency, according to Politico.

and Jazz Shaw, the right wing blogger at Hot Air who is a firm believer in UFOs has a story about emails apparently deleted in the Pentagon, which he thinks is a Big Deal.   I wonder if it'll turn out to be more incompetence than anything else.  


John said...

Steve I don't know what all the fuss is about. The current interest reminds me of what an air force general stated when all the UFO sightings happened in the 80's. He remarked they were testing the stealth fighters at the time. Is it a coincidence that some months ago both the USAF and USN announced the development of prototype 6th gen fighters and new drones?

Steve said...

You did watch the video of the two Navy pilots and their "tic tac" incident in 2004, John? It sure didn't sound like a drone with anything like routine technology.

I agree though that testing of stealth technology has probably been behind many UFO sightings in the late 20th century.

John said...

I haven't seen that clip Steve and I'm not particularly interested because that was infra red imaging and radar tracking on the shop. Remember that infra red requires computing and software makes errors. Why do people forget the "unidentified" part!? Sure there might be aliens visiting us but these videos suggest they are joy riding and teasing the dumb humans. We have no personal experience with infra red and radar(it isn't like cameras), there is no sample to test against other artifacts that can happen with infra red and radar technologies, we might only be seeing the strange things that can be suggestive of aliens when there is a large number of artifacts that occur with these technologies.

Steve said...

John, the pilots in the 60 Minutes interview (which I posted as video) were talking about their visual, daytime, observation. Unfortunately, it would seem they were not recording the sighting though.

Another pilot went out and recorded what he thinks was the "tic tac" on infra red, and an interview with him is here:

He didn't see it with his own eyes, but in the interview he seems to be saying that he could still tell it was moving in remarkable fashion.

So we have three pilots who all agree that the object seen (visually by 2 of them, on infra red only by one) was acting outside of anything they knew.

Pretty impressive, even if the videos themselves are not conclusive.