Monday, June 21, 2021

He's back

Barnaby Joyce isn't smart enough to use a condom while having an affair with a staff member, yet thinks he knows better than scientists about climate change and the environment.   The only people his return will impress is the still substantial climate change denial camp in the National Party. 

And now he's back, to try to drag the Coalition away from doing anything too fast on CO2.   

I don't think Morrison's very sharp either - but perhaps just sharp enough to know that there is no future in being the government of climate change inaction.

Sure, Labor has its own problems in keeping everyone on board re this issue - but it really is the Coalition that deserves to fall apart over it.  Turnbull should have outright called for party schism over this while he was still leader ("if you want to argue the reality of climate change, get out of the Coalition").   While he  (Turnbull) seems a nice enough man, his lack of bravery on the issue at the time he could have forced it into some form of resolution means he was a failed PM.  Sorry.

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