Thursday, June 03, 2021

Orwell was wrong... that the future was not the cynical Two Minute Hate, forced on a populace by authoritarian government, but a whole 180 Minute Hate every evening brought by an ageing billionaire for profit and influence:  


I mean, the Right in America (and any Australian sympathisers to it) have become just too stupid to engage with, and their obsession with attacking individual public figures like Fauci is just absurd.   

As with climate change, they think they can pluck any statement made by a perceived enemy out of context and think that it proves their point.   They think they're the smart ones, when they are just nasty and dumb and tribal to the point of preferring self harm to listening to expertise.   



John said...

They go through heroes at a high rate. Sarah Palin, Milo, Peterson, Trump, Alex Jones, Limbaugh, now Carlson. The former are all washed up, finished, kaput. How long will Carlson remain their hero? Chomsky is smarter than all of them put together.

Not Trampis said...

none of them have much of an intellect.