Monday, August 09, 2021

Cause for pessimism?

According to Axios, Republicans are actually feeling very positive about big gains in their coming mid term election, based on a few issues they are able to sell as purely Democrat problems (inflation, illegal immigration, and crime.)

All this at a time when the Republicans are busy ensuring as many of their voters as possible are catching COVID, and an IPCC report about the biggest future danger to the planet is about to drop, no doubt to Republican pooh-poohing. 

What a time we live in - because the Right has gone nuts.  


1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

Inflation will probably drop by then ( look at the trimmed mean figure) and who knows what will occur with the other two.
The economy will still be going well.
Democrats can hammer Republicans over democracy as well.
Mid terms usually favour the other side to the Presidents but it might be different.