Wednesday, August 25, 2021

From the Creighton case notes

An extraordinary effort by Adam, for which the words "putting lipstick on a pig" is an understatement:

He gets, shall we say, some well deserved pushback:

Look, I like to take credit for disliking him and his takes for years before this.


Not Trampis said...

unbelievable stupidity but this happens when all you talk to are yaysayers.

We have recently learnt the r0 for delta is 8. does he understand this at all.
Also important here is that covid crowds out all other problems.

not good if you have a heart attack now in florida or texas

Not Trampis said...

just associated with the topic down here in Sydney in a hard lockdown Westmead hospital has had to call on Westmead private for help with regard to covid patients.

Can you imagine what would occur if no lockdown was in place?

Not Trampis said...

Terrible journalism.
Is 7% good or bad? no context. what was it before covid and then during covid? what was it say 6 mopths ago, one month ago and one week ago.

On the face of it it sounds a terrible number after all you would never want ICU full