Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I trust our domestic terrorist experts in Canberra have placed New Catallaxy on watch

Last night, two or three of the blokey blokes who comment at Dover Beach's (appalling "conservative" Catholic) reincarnation of Catallaxy were talking about having big arguments with their wives because they (the wives) had decided to get COVID vaccinated after all.  How tragic for them [/sarc]. Of course, they don't recognise that what their spouses doing so is only likely to aid their own health future.  As I say, we're dealing with idiots.

Then this morning, local Queensland nutjob, truck driver and pub musician has come over all sympathetic to "whatever it takes", including assassination, presumably: 

He's been expecting the end of the West for years now, even before COVID, but it having come from China has given him all the push he needed into mulling and promoting political violence.

The comment got 4 likes, by the way.


Not Trampis said...

Are you sure it is not parody.
nobody can be that stupid surely

Steve said...

Um, no. He's been hyperventilated about e-vil socialist plans to crush the West for years. COVID has given him the additional spur to now openly say that it won't be stopped unless there are few key people are "ousted from power" "in any way it can occur".

And his side gig is singing songs at Qld country pubs!

GMB said...

Thats a terrible tragedy. Heartbreaking. Not something to be scoffed at. Its bad enough that I couldn't stop my ex. from getting the kill shots. When its their current wives its potentially more heartbreaking.