Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Cinema is starting to look up

So, this Christmas brings me adult science fiction (Dune) and Steven Spielberg directing his first musical (West Side Story) which seems to be getting pretty positive comment from the first screening in New York.  

Speaking of Spielberg, I watched Austin Powers in Goldmember for the first time last weekend.  I had not known of the Spielberg participation - showing that he (and Tom Cruise) are very good sports.  



Not Trampis said...

I am watching Dune soon

Steve said...

I will hopefully see it with my son, and maybe even my daughter, cos she swoons over Timothy Chalamet. :)

Not Trampis said...

I am seeing it with my oldest son.
I read the entire dune series every christmas.
The last Dune movie was chock full of stars but soso.
A movie does do it justice., A bit like LOTR.
It needs a series.

Steve said...

"I read the entire dune series every christmas."

Wow - what a fanboy.:)

I have never read it, but I thought the well founded consensus was really to not bother with the sequels, at all.

Steve said...

By the way, I see you commenting at CL's blog. He just makes ludicrous statements continuously, always impuning the worst motives in the e-vil Left and those who vote Left. Very much an Aussie mini-me Dinesh D'Souza, and not deserving to be taken seriously enough to comment, I reckon. (I know this is pretty much what I told monty - why engage with people who have become so extreme that they obviously think if you're not on their side, you're evil and stupid. They are so, so similar in outlook to Islamic fundamentalist extremists, it's ridiculous.)

Steve said...

Sorry, it's impugning.

Not Trampis said...

The Dunes series of books is highly recommended.

As for CL I love just allowing those people to show their extreme ignorance on any topic.