Friday, January 14, 2022

I think I have to stop following moron Creighton


 It's pretty simple:  it takes a jerk to like a jerk.

1 comment:

GMB said...

Of course these vaccines don't work you dumb bastard. What do you imagine that is in them that could possibly help clear someone's lungs, be therapeutic, or prevent any disease whatsoever. They were never meant to work. They are a weapon.

You've got to understand Steve that you are not very smart. Adam is smarter than you are. What a ridiculous idea to think that the jabs worked? Where did you get that from? Think about who made them for starters? Thats right. The people who cause us all sorts of grief. They blinded Ikon over at Quiggin's place. Lucky it was only one eye. But the stupid sap will be no doubt going back for more.